“Gwepa showtime” with Miguel & Rianne performing their Cha-Cha Show at “the Dutch Finest” Festival Quick introduction to the timing of Cha Cha: First of all, before you can dance you need to understand how to count the Cha Cha. If you are an absolute beginner you can start counting the Cha Cha with “rock […]
“Gwepa ShowTime” with Johnny Rama Hernandez & Mitchell Provence performing their musicality show at Amsterdam International Salsa Congress 2013 Full Article: www.gwepa.com
“Gwepa ShowTime” with The Leon Rose Project performing their show at Amsterdam International Salsa Congress 2013 Full Article: www.gwepa.com
Gwepa ShowTime” with Gil and Shelley’s Pexava Student Group performing their Salsa Show at Amsterdam International Salsa Congress 2013 Full Article: Subcribe to this channel for more Latin dance and events videos. www.gwepa.com Gwepa | Hue-Pa | “An exclamation of joy often heard in Latin dance” The revolution in the Latin events and dance world. […]
“Gwepa ShowTime” with Anderson & Brenda performing their Show Samba de GafIeira at The Amsterdam International Salsa Congress 2013. Samba de Gafieira (also called Gafieira) is a partner dance to the Brazilian samba musical rhythms. Samba de Gafieira must be distinguished from the ballroom Samba, danced in International Latin and American Rhythm ballroom dance styles. Gafieira […]