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- Name show couple: Ronald & Vivienne
- Founded in: 2008
- City: Amsterdam
- Dance styles: New York style Salsa
Short Group Description
Ronald Pieters
Ronald was born in Amsterdam 1987 and started dancing in 2006. After playing football for 13 years, he made the switch to salsa! With no dancing experience he started his first course at SalsaRoy (now Plaza Danza) in Groningen. After a year he really got addicted and started travelling all over the Netherlands to take classes and dance social. At some point, totally unexpected, his national inspiration Brian Libier from Salsaddiction asked him to dance in his team. This is when Ronald made the switch from just dancing social, into dancing in a team and started rehearsing. His love for dancing salsa kept growing and growing. Salsaddiction was the place where he met Vivienne, his current dance partner. They started making their own routines, and with Salsaddiction and as a couple they started to perform national and international, leaving impressions everywhere. Highlights are performing in Brussels, Manchester, Nice, Estonia, Berlin, Curacao, Japan and New York.
In New York Ronald got to know Yamulee, which for him was the highlight when it comes to salsa dancing. Ronald was proudly part of the Yamulee’s 45min History piece (performed in New York and Zurich) and the main highlight was that he got the chance to perform with Yamulee in his own country. Osmar Perrones never took it easy on him, and put a lot of effort in the development of Ronald, of which Ronald is very grateful.
Ronald can be described as fast, musical, creative and very passionate. His classes can be defined as challenging, refreshing, well-explained and definitely fun. Don’t miss out all the information Ronald is willing to share!
Vivienne Vicente
Vivienne (1987) was raised by her Portuguese father and Spanish mother who encouraged her to dance. After ballet and gymnastics, Vivienne started her first salsa class at the age of 14 and has been dancing salsa ever since. At that same age she started dancing the Argentine tango, a dance that stole her heart as well.
After dancing in salsa show group Salsaddiction (lead by brian and Mechteld), Vivienne wanted to use more of her own creativity.
In 2008 the magic happened when she started dancing with her current dance partner. Ronald and Vivienne have succeeded to become one of the top dancers in the Netherlands. They performed all over Europe, NYC and DR.
She encourages people to never stop learning and takes every opportunity herself to learn from the dancers that inspire her.
Vivienne is known for her energetic and technical dancing, her tremendous talent for spinning and her refined way of moving. She maintains very high standards with her elegance, suppleness and the way she finishes all of her movements.
Ronald & Vivienne
Together Ronald and Vivienne make a strong couple for several years now. After performing non-stop for three years in a row, they took a break for year due to Ronald’s trip to New York. They’re back now with brand new shows, pushing it to their next level. Make sure also to check out their workshops, which are challenging and mostly fun. They’re willing to share everything about their biggest passion they got!
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